Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Old Bridge

Driving a mile north, we came to the turn-off where the curious traveller could stop and hike down to the old Alexandria Bridge. Access to the area was blocked off, perhaps in preparation for winter road conditions. We found a wide shoulder to park on and hiked back and then down to the old bridge.

There were a few spectacular viewpoints on the trek down, and none of them protected by fencing or barricades. It was a long way down to the swirling green waters of the river. In years past we have hiked down to this area and disturbed illegal fishermen. None were here this day.

The old bridge that was retired in 1962 is in pretty good shape. The steel mesh deck is very solid and not rusting much at all. The only parts of the bridge that were showing neglect were the two concrete stanchions at either end of the structure.

The steel cables and rail had some rust on them but it did not appear to be unsafe. We walked across the deck and I had to keep my eyes forward because you can look downward through the mesh to the rushing river and it made me queasy.

It is difficult to imagine that this was a two lane bridge. It is very narrow by today's standards. The west portal looked like an entry to an imaginary kingdom and I half expected Aragorn to come galloping down the leafy path. Actually, I had my eye out for bears.

These are the mighty steel cables, four sets of them, that anchor the bridge and are set in buried blocks of concrete. I was tempted to get my wrench and do an experiment.

There is an inspiring view of the new bridge from near the old. It spans a much larger chasm and for the time was an engineering marvel, I'm sure. On this day it was a thing of beauty.


Chris said...

Your photo compositions are very good. I love the fog photos on the precious post.

poof said...

Yes, very nice.

I hate walking on that bridge. Makes me quite queasy. But then again, that's from someone who gets sea sick on the ferry.