Wednesday, April 13, 2011

OK. So I'm a Junkie

If the broadcasting time of last night's political leadership debate was meant to irritate western Canadians, it succeeded. I had to rush home from work early to catch it on TV, while those out east were able to have a leisurely dinner and then settle in for an evening of politics.
I always look forward to these debates because I want to see a 'defining moment', when one leader falters badly, or one rises to the top like the cream on whole milk. I want to see drama, suspense, and a turning point in an otherwise dull and predictable campaign. We got none of that tonight, but I do have some observations. (You just knew I would) 
Let me get my conspiracy theory out of the way first. CBC, being obviously biased to the Liberal side of things, probably did not let the Green Party leader, Elizabeth May, in on the debate because they knew it would help the Conservatives. She would have pulled votes away from the Liberals and the NDP. 
Having said that, what on God's green earth is Mr. Gilles Duceppe doing in this debate. His is only a provincial party, he runs no candidates outside of Quebec, his chief aim in life to break up our country, his mother tongue is French and as such is very difficult to understand, he knows nothing about the ROC (the rest of Canada), and he is not listened to by the people who vote for him who are primarily francophones, and they will only pay attention to the French debate tomorrow. I think most people tuned him out every time he spoke. He is irrelevant, totally. What separatist in his right mind would not vote for him, and who of those who are not separatists would ever go over to him. Again, there is this insatiable desire in our country to appease the spoilt child. I say call his bluff, let him separate, and see how long he and his country can survive without the billions in transfer payment from the rest of us. 
But, I digress. 
My take on the debate is that it will not be a game breaker. If anyone scored any points, it would be Mr. Harper who really kept his cool under constant bombardment from all three opposing leaders. 
It was interesting watching the interviews after the debate. The press was hard on Mr. Harper and was all gaga over Iggy and were easy on him with their questions. Except for right at the end when one very brave soul asked if it was embarrassing to be brought to task by Jack Leighton for his frequent absences in the House. Did you notice that Iggy suddenly ran off stage with his handlers and wife in tow? Very interesting indeed. The very man who would be Prime Minister and who touts democracy, Liberal style, was absent for more than 50% of the votes in the House of Commons. Like Jack said, and I loved his line, "If you want a promotion, you have to show up for work."        

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