Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Spring Blossoms and Things

Can this be Spring? The blossoms are thick, but are already falling off the trees due to wet and cold wind. Where is the warmth of the sun, the song of the birds, the drone of the honey bees, the Robins on their worm patrol? Yes, the days are longer, some stunted dandelions are bravely pushing their way through the lawns with their bright yellow heads and milky stalks, and the Crows are gathering those little twigs with which to build their nests, but even they know that their eggs will not stay warm enough for incubation. Maybe we can have one year without Crow babies and would that not be wonderful? 
I know what will happen. The cold wet weather systems will suddenly have run their course, the temperatures will turn seasonal once again, and we will have missed Spring altogether, and will have jumped right into the heat of summer, and then all the David Suzuki fans will scream, once again, "Global Warming!" And how quickly they will have forgotten the very cold winter and spring that we just shivered through.   

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