Friday, June 10, 2011

Andrew's Birthday

Today is Andrew's birthday. I have two sons, one by marriage. Andrew is my flesh and blood. I have friend's who are envious that we can work together. Many father/sons cannot, for various reasons. Here are some things I like about Andrew.
He is : hard working
 attentive to detail
tech savvy
tolerant of an annoying (at times) father
a wonderful uncle
a wonderful brother
sticks to his convictions
a man of faith
a guy who loves fish and chips so is easy to treat on his birthday.


sultana said...

And I love him too!

AF said...

Thanks dad. I appreciate your b-day post for me.

...thank goodness nobody marked it as lame. That would crush me. ;-)
Haha! Why is there a check mark box for 'lame'? :-)