Monday, September 1, 2008

Landscaping Tools

Down the road and around the corner is this little toy, lying derelict and subjected to the harsh elements. I am sure it has pushed its share of dirt over the years, probably carving orchard terraces on the hillsides. Life is slow here, lacking the sense of urgency that we are so used to. Change comes slowly, development is resisted, and yet there are things happening. Huge excavators have transformed the shoreline, across the lake from us, and there are now several new resorts trying to fill the demand for lake shore vacation homes. Change is inevitable but we see the detrimental effects on the water quality and we hear more loud partying drifting across the waters on the calm night breezes. There will soon be no places left to escape the multitude of pollutions that plague our busy lives. The relics, as long as they remain untouched, will at least remind us that it was once a quiet, laid back refuge.
Posted Sept. 6 2008

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