Friday, December 5, 2008

Stairway To Heaven

There are times when we are climbing, figuratively speaking, and as we take each step forward, we are not sure of the destination. We used to know. Our dreams and goals were firmly planted in our minds and everything we did in life was to get to the top, to reach the destination, to achieve that which we thought would make us happy, make us feel fulfilled. The aging process has a way of changing that. What is at the top of the stairs is still somewhat unknown, but it seems to matter less. Our priorities change. Our idea of what makes us truly happy takes on a new definition. We learn to adapt and not be so rigid in the goal, or the steps taken to reach the goal. We begin to truly understand that there are different dimensions to life, some more important than others. Our focus changes, subtly at first, as we prepare for the 'end game'. That which is unseen gets more attention than that which is temporal.
Yesterday, my dear customer, Erika, told me that her illness was terminal. She shed not a tear, but exclaimed that we all die. We know this, but each one of us will one day face it like she has. We will then be able to count the steps to the top. But how many of us know for a certainty what is at the top?

1 comment:

Susan said...

I love your autumn are a very good photographer. I truly enjoyed reading your post today and I will say Amen to changing priorities as we age. I know I speak of days gone by often in my posts, but it is because I treasure so many good memories and I want to leave these memories with my children and grandchildren, therefore I post them on my blog, for my future generations to view. However, those material things that were once important, such as a big nice home or pretty wall hangings or expensive clothing hold little meaning for me now. The simple life brings more peace to me now, there is less stress and worry about paying for "material things" that I truly have no "need" for. Thanks for your post, Terry.