Sunday, October 16, 2011


Every year at exactly the same time, I take almost exactly the same photo at exactly the same spot and then say the same thing. Why should I change my routine? We harvested the last of our 'patio tomatoes' the other day. I cannot ever remember enjoying them so much as this year. The Cherry tomatoes were so sweet and flavourful this year, even thought they were a bit late in starting. We had three different varieties and each one had a different flavour, texture, shape, and size. The few things we grow in our garden every year are worth the effort, but a wee bit expensive. I discovered this week that our water bill, which is now separated from our annual tax bill, is on average twice as high as our friends, all of whom do not have a garden. Maybe we will just stop taking showers next summers, set up the sprinklers in the garden, and have our pricey water do double duty.

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