Monday, October 17, 2011

Beating the Odds

This year's Angel Trumpets

I was reading about cancer rates the other day, in particular, prostate cancer. A thought occurred to me, and I am sure it is not original. The article stated that the blood test to check the PSA level in men is going to be eliminated because there were too many false positives. A false positive is an elevated PSA where there is no cancer, and, apparently, men are being treated or are given biopsies as a result, which themselves can spread the cancer. 
So, here is my thought. It is well known that we all get cancer numerous times in our lives without even knowing it. Our immune systems knock it down before it becomes a problem. Then, one day, it gets the better of us when we are stressed, lacking sleep, malnourished, or have some other illness that sends our immune system for a loop. It is also known that a full blown cancer can go into remission on its own. It is also known that early detection is very prevalent these days and is deemed a good thing as it gives a better survival rate.
But, consider this. These early cancers may have gone into remission on their own. Could this be the reason for increased cancer rates these days? We only seem to be getting more cancers because we can detect them, but if left on their own, could many go into remission? Just asking.
And, this leads to a dilemma. When we are diagnosed, do we go for the radiation and the chemo? If we do, and we ever get cancer again, we are toast because we have no immune system to speak of. If we don't and just give ourselves a fighting chance with some healthy living, will it go away on its own? But then life has always been a big gamble, hasn't it? I suppose I know too many people who have beat cancer without the aid of modern medical cancer fighting, which just about kills the patient. I hope I never have to make that decision.

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