Thursday, December 29, 2011

Couldn't Put it Down

Some things stay green for Christmas. The trick is finding a bit of sunlight to illuminate them.

My spare time in the last few days has been taken up with a book I had a difficult time putting down. It is a fictional novel written for teens but anyone will enjoy this read. It is about a totalitarian government in the far distant future who rules twelve districts in the land and holds annual games where two young people from each district are chosen by lottery to compete in the 'Hunger Games'. It is a battle fought in a contrived and very large outdoor arena, with huge rewards going to the victor. The game: survival. It does not take many days for the last person standing to be crowned.
This is a page turner for sure.


Rachel said...

I guess you'll be coming to see the movie with Nate and I come spring!

Terry said...

Wouldn't miss it!