Monday, December 12, 2011

Less, not More

There are still a few folks around who do not realise the grave state of affairs in the world economy. It is easy to spot them. What is really scary is that many of them are politicians. How do you recognise one of them? Listen to them. Do they use the word "more"? Or, are they one of the few who are understanding the causes of our woes. Listen for them. They will use words such as "less" or "value for the money" or "better efficiency".
When governments of any stripe are in debt, anything they spend beyond a balanced budget comes from borrowing. That is called debt and there is interest to be paid. When you keep on spending more than you take in, your debt gets larger and larger. And thus, the woes we are in.
Next time you hear an advocate for teacher's unions, or more funding for health care, or more money for reducing carbon emissions, you will know that those calling for more need to be educated. These people should be held to account, and we should not be demanding more from our politicians either. Would it not be refreshing to elect the political party that made the fewest and least expensive promises? The party that promised less spending and more efficiency, and then actually delivered? Only then will we begin to recover.  

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