Thursday, December 15, 2011


I love my customers! When I work for someone for the first time, there is a period of time where I feel they are testing me, or at least trying to get to know me. I was recommended to them by a friend or neighbour, but they have to verify what was told them according to the way they see things. I tread lightly too and slowly discover what they are about, what their expectations are, and just how friendly they want to be. 
One year ago, we did a large job for Dr. X and it went well. The previous painters had done an atrocious job so we knew they would be pleased with our work, but did not know if they would like us. This last week, we spent another three days in their home and it was like we were long lost friends. I love this about my job.
Today I went to get supplies for the next project and was told at the store that a customer of mine was in and wanting to know if I would be available in the New Year. The manager did not remember her name (he is my age, how can you tell?) but he did comment that she told him that we had become friends. I expect a call very soon from my "friend" whoever that may be.    

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