Monday, October 12, 2009

Bridging the Gap

Fish Trap Creek Park Oct 10, 2009

My father continues to languish in the hospital. His move to a care facility should be soon, but we do not know. Nobody seems to know. He is being well cared for where he is, but it is getting tiresome. He has always thrived on routine and not been too adventurous, at least not in his latter years, so he has given in to the dreary schedule of hospital life. Those things that he once managed in his life, I now do for him. I have simplified things somewhat, but I am still feeling like a bridge in the gap. The car issue will be resolved within the next few days and I have cancelled newspapers and cable vision, but still go to check the mail and drop in on his home at least every other day. I am very fortunate that it is only about 8 blocks away from where I live.
We knew 'it' would happen, so we are really appreciating having taken care of 'powers of attorney' and joint bank accounts long ago. Things are quite simple because of the preparations we made many years ago. I am observing and taking notes on what is all transpiring here because I am next. It is inevitable.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

After seeing Uncle Jack you have at least 30 good years left!