Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Wasn't That a Party!

Thanksgiving Sunday was a very full day but we had a great time. Lis and I were up bright and early to get to church on time to put on the coffee and continental breakfast for 300 t0 400 people. We have a great team and many hands made light work. We really enjoy our turn every month and besides providing a valuable service, we have grown close to our fellow team members while aiding in a vital part of the fellowship of believers in our church. We always go out for lunch after we have cleaned up the kitchen but this time we passed. There was too much to do at home to get ready for the big Thanksgiving dinner in the late afternoon.
We always invite our kids and grand kids, along with my father, for the the big turkey day, but because my dad is in the hospital, we thought it would be fun to have his brother and his wife in his place. Uncle Jack and Aunt Louise are almost 90 but there is little evidence other than their birth certificates, to verify the fact. They are two people who are fun, energetic, and always entertaining. Uncle Jack put on a little magic show for my grandsons, or that was the pretense, because we all enjoyed it tremendously and had many good laughs. Aunt Louise, who still bounces around like a teenager, in spite of a badly pinched nerve giving her leg pain, kept us in stitches with her witty comments and 'over the top' compliments to Chef Lis. Wayne, my sister's husband, was here to get my dad's car and joined in the fun. The stories, many of which were probably exaggerated just a wee bit, were flowing fast and furiously, always accompanied with rounds of laughter and more banter. The food was exquisite, we ate too much, we laughed a lot, and in the midst of it, I was ever so thankful.
* The photo is Nathan and Chad getting into the spirit of fun and frivolity after the magic show.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I think Mom should have them over more often!