Saturday, September 18, 2010

Book Review

I read a very good book this week. In1969, a nineteen year old boy is the sole survivor of an unsurvivable plane crash where the pilot and co-pilot are killed. The story revolves around his recovery and the miracles witnessed by those who watched, as he piloted a plane one year later over the exact spot where he should have been killed.
That in itself is a fascinating story, but what is at the heart of the matter is the way it changed his life and the explanation for why it had such a profound influence on him. He did not even realize until months later why his heart and mind were drastically different after the crash. The memories, which started coming about six months later, of what had happened to him during the first few days of coma, came as a surprise and shock to him and profoundly altered his life until today.
Warning. It is hard to put down.  

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