Sunday, September 19, 2010


Partnerships can be tricky whether in business, team sports, ownership, marriage, or whatever. It is not one person making a decision that will effect only him, but it is multiple people trying to come to a compromise in order to reach a consensus, so the interests of all can be met. Everyone must be heard and their needs addressed. Because we are all different and are at different place in our lives, we find that the six owners of our holiday property are having to deal with an issue of transition at this point in time. The first requirement in any discussions is honesty and we took a good step in that direction recently. The pros and cons of a long list of options seems endless and at times confusing, but action must be taken. Or not. You see, before we even get started, there has to be a discussion about that. The property was gifted to us and at the time seemed a wonderful gift and something we would all cherish and pass on to the next generation. But that concept also raises questions and must be discussed. Discussion is good but must be amicable and all opinions respected, even if contrary to the majority. For now, the above photo, taken in the Oroville garden, represents a 'thumbs up' for the property, but there is a work day coming soon where some changes will take place, and that was agreed upon. 
Everybody's dream is to have a lakeside resort, but my advice is to be careful what you wish for.    

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