Thursday, September 16, 2010


The Victoria Times Columnist published an article a few days ago announcing the new Ocean Falls Archives. I have had access to many photos the last few years, of Ocean Falls, both past and present, because I belong to the Ocean Falls Google Talk Group, but this picture is quite recent. The last of the old mill is being demolished. By the lie of the land and proximity to the 'Falls', I know exactly what part of the mill this is. As a young man I walked up and down that area many times a night as I collected pulp and paper samples to take to my lab for crucial tests. It was old and rickety back in the early seventies when I was there and whenever there was a paper break on the machines, the whole concrete structure would shake and rattle and at times actual pieces of cement would fall from the ceiling. It was frightening and I often thought the whole place would collapse on me one day. Well, it is now collapsed with the help of that Hi-Hoe. I look at the photo and can hardly believe I was there.   

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