Thursday, September 2, 2010

Surf Sailing

There is usually a brisk wind at the lake but this year we had a relatively calm week. There was one day that the white caps popped up when the the North wind brought some cooler temperatures. Andrew was waiting for the opportunity and out came the sail for the board that was being used as a paddle boat up until then. 
Down went the keel, up went the sail, and he was off to a shaky start . The wind in the bay swirls a bit, so until he gets out into more open water and a steady breeze, it is a real balancing act.
As soon as he gets into the 'zone', the board takes off and with speed comes hydro planing and even more speed.
He shoots across the lake in no time and you can tell by his big wake that he is really moving. For all you environmentalists, note the small carbon footprint of this mode of transportation. Zero. Well, at least until he exhales.


AF said...

Hey is that a photoshop trick?? What kind of spray am I throwing up there? It looks like a motor boat! Hahaha!

Terry said...

You are better than you give yourself credit for.