Monday, November 19, 2007


In the next few days I will post the first of many stories of my youthful days in Saskatchewan. They were happy days for me, but as I recall, not for my mother. She actually hated that little town of Lanigan and as a young boy, I could never figure it out.
This is a photo scanned from a 35mm slide I took back in the 90's just before these buildings were demolished. This is the Lanigan Public School. I attended Grades 1 and 2 in the small building on the right, and later, grades 3-8 in the larger, more imposing structure, built in 1905. Believe me when I tell you it was yesterday!


Anonymous said...

You were definately "born to blog..." Must have been the air of Saskatchewan, or something in the walls of the school. Seriously, we are enjoying the reading.

Anonymous said...

Terry! That photo brings back a flood of memories! Miss Thompson who we last saw in Victoria several years ago and has since died, I'm sure (in Sask.)The long set of stairs in the big brick building. The wood stove in the Grade one classroom. There was one, wasn't there? Or is that Mom's story? Rodney Dyck who got the strap from Miss Thompson. WHen I peed my pants after I got "shook up" in Grade one. Playing hopscotch in the schoolyard in the spring. Etc,etc,etc.

Terry said...

Yes, Gaye, she was a memorable teacher alright. I may just write a chapter on her. Rodney Dueck was not the only one she strapped!

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, Miss Thompson. That dear woman who sat at the front of the class picking children's hair from under hre finger nails. You weren't the only one who peed their pants Gaye.