Saturday, August 2, 2008

Garden Bouquet

The number of scientists subscribing to anthropogenic (human caused) global warming is dwindling according to the author of the book "The Deniers". The numbers of those who are questioning or outright rejecting the idea is growing. Although a huge industry has grown around the issue and there is a lot of money at stake for those involved, I predict that good science will prevail and the idea will gradually fade away. It is very firmly entrenched, however, and the intelligentsia of the world do not eat crow very well. The evidence will prove to be so overwhelming that we will look back at these years as the 'Carbon Footprint' years and chuckle, as we did years later when the promised Ice Age did not materialise.
Some very good offshoots of this episode in mankind's history will be cleaner air and several alternative fuels for transportation and other energy needs.
In any event, the flowers will continue to grow and I will continue to photograph them.

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