Monday, March 23, 2009


Everywhere you go you see these flowers for sale. We have had an arrangement on our front porch for a few weeks already. I was reviewing some photos from March '04 and apparently at that time, there were already buds and blossoms on the fruit trees. Those were the good old days of Global Warming. Today we are to get another round of very cool weather and possible snow showers. It seems that more and more the so called experts in various fields, be it science, economics, or justice, just don't seem to know what they are talking about anymore. Could it be that the more knowledge man has the more confused he gets? That almost sounds Biblical, does it not? While you are pondering that deep question, enjoy the Plumera.


Marni said...

I chuckled out loud when reading this because I've been thinking the same thing! (Found your blog off of "On This Rock)

Anonymous said...

Plumera...almost sounds like plumeria...almost sounds like sunshine, ocean and a vacation...

But you do make some valid points, we have to agree. I see my friend Marni found your blog...hoorah!

Terry said...

Marni may have found my blog, but I can't find Marni!

Terry said...

Just a little faux pas there with the flower thingy. Those are primroses. And the correct word would be Plumeria for sure, if that is what the flowers would have been. Research, I need to do more research. LOL