Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Are You Afraid Yet?

The climate people in Copenhagen are bandying about all sorts of weather statistics today in an attempt to put fear into the world leaders that if something is not done, we will all surely perish. It is interesting that they have temperature records that date back to 1850, however, when they want to come up with hard evidence of global temperature increases, they resort to only records from 1900 to present day. And are you ready for this? The increase since then is .7 degrees Celsius. What would the figure had been if the records were included from 1850 to 1900? And while this talk of trends is going on, there is no talk of what is actually causing this other than an increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, of course, only the CO2 that man has put there. There needs to be a dialogue on various theories of climate change, not just one mantra that talks about carbon dioxide. Oh, there is concern alright, mainly about the rising sea levels when all the ice melts. They talk of this being a possibility and that being a likelihood but if you check out the sea levels, there have been no changes at all since this very 'significant' increase in temperature. Don't cancel your trip to the Maldives just yet. (The country with the lowest elevation that is surrounded by water.)
And try this little experiment. Fill a glass with ice cubes and then top it off with water, right to the brim. Now just let it sit and melt at room temperature. Does the water run over the top of the glass as the ice melts? 'Nuff said.

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