Sunday, November 14, 2010

Storing Up Treasures

When I first moved to this area as a young boy, the only squirrels we ever saw were at Stanley Park. They were a novelty, because where I grew up in Saskatchewan, there were plenty of gophers but no squirrels. Now we see squirrels everywhere! They are always busy foraging for food, and this time of year they are burying nuts and seeds to be dug up later when food is scarce. How do they remember where they buried it?
There are not many animals that store food for winter. We humans used to do it when we were a primarily agrarian society, but now the local supermarket does it for us, and on a daily basis. And what about our finances? Do we store up for a time of scarcity? Some of us do. Is it a wise thing to do or does it show a lack of faith and trust in our Provider, God. 
Looking back on our lives should give a clue, when we see how God provided in harrowing times, when we could not see the light of day, when our financial situation was closing in around us. Will he not be faithful in our future also? I have struggled with this concept all my life. Do I free myself from worry, and trust God, or do I use my intelligence and foresight to prepare for the future by hanging on to resources that could be given away or spent today? 
Yesterday's lesson in church got me going again on this internal dialogue. I have resolved to stop worrying about it, at the least. In the meanwhile, I will still be a little like the squirrel and store up a few more nuts. Winter is coming.    

1 comment:

Ing. Andronache G. said...

I admire you, because I see you are faithfull, not like me, but I am in the state to say something about religion: everything in this world happens with the will of God, even youre walking, travelling and shopping.
Thanks to God that you are alright and healthy, then I red that the medical care in USA is at it downest state ever.

Help us God in whatever we do!

The religion in science