Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Crime Fighters

Stand aside all you criminals and terrorists, your days are numbered. The USA Homeland Security has just recruited the toughest, meanest, sharpest crime fighters in the world, the shoppers of Walmart. We will no longer only be interrogated at the airports and borders, on the highways and byways, but now the Walmart crowd will be eyeing us with suspicion every time we set foot in the doors of one of those giant retail discounters.
It is called the "If you see something, say something" campaign and every shopper with be exposed, at the checkout counter, to a video on reporting suspicious activity. 
Is it just me or do I get suspicious of every one of those shoppers when I go in there, about once every five years. That is not exactly the crowd I want looking out for my national security. It smacks of nanny state and Big Brother where homeland  security starts with community security. A camera on every lamppost kind of thing. 
But hey, this is just one more excuse for me stay away from the store I love to hate.   


Rachel said...

I don't shop there either. BLECH!

Gaye said...

Well, I don't like to shop there either, but I do now because I get 10% discount on anything I buy there, including groceries. I am very picky because I refuse to buy anything made in China. The Walmart greeters are Walmart's first line of security. They can ask you to open any package as you exit the store. It's amazing how many shoplifters they catch doing stupid things.I'm for that. We all pay higher prices everywhere bacause of shoplifters. Some day I will NOT shop there, but now, it's more economical. When you can buy a bag of flour five dollars cheaper at Walmart (same brand), who wouldn't?

Terry said...

It must be difficult to find something there NOT made in China. I am all for deterring shoplifting, but Homeland Security is a federal agency whose pupose is to ensure National Security ie: combat terrorism. That is in a different league than shoplifting.