Thursday, March 1, 2012

Cold ... Part 2

Snowfall on Feb.29  2012

And on the fifth day, God created ...... no, that's not what I was going to write. On the fifth day, I awoke from a really good night's sleep with a clear head and clear sinuses. I have never had a cold without going through those awful final stages of coughing and ever thickening phlegm. It was gone! Completely! How can this be? Is it a miracle or is it all the 'stuff' I take to keep healthy? Maybe the latest elixir is working its magic. It is supposed to relieve oxidative stress and actually reverse the aging process. My grandson got over his cold in four days too, and he is only three. Maybe I am now only three also!  Hey .... I must go look in the mirror to see if it is true.


Rachel said...

Sorry Dad but Liam is still sick!

Terry said...

When I last saw him on Tuesday, he was looking like he was done with the cold.

Rachel said...

Now he has an ear infection. Obviously you are not a doctor :)

Terry said...

Hey, my doctor once told me I was fine too and then I nearly died.