Saturday, March 10, 2012

On the Decline

I wrote a post the other day (March 3) regarding the state of the world's population. Since our seven billionth person came along on March 1, Time Magazine reported that two of the world's most influential countries are on the decline in a big way.
According to the current trend, Russia's population is going to decline by 40 million people and Japan's by 25 million by the year 2050! It seems that these people do not like making babies.

Of course, populations rise and fall. That's what they do. Indigenous tribes succumb to the aspirations of conquering marauders. Then, when looters becomes incumbents, when foreigners set up camp and become locals, they in turn open themselves up for conquest from abroad, or from within. These events have always happened and probably will continue to do so. Right now, the question is, who will provide us with Sushi and Honda cars in the future? And where will the matryoshka dolls be made? Probably China. They can 'knock off' anything.

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