Saturday, March 31, 2012

I Forget Why

busylizzy checking out the stash in the bag.

We saw a fellow bending over and snipping while we were walking in the park the other day. When he straightened out we saw it was busylizzy's uncle. He was clipping the small tender shoots of Stinging Nettle and putting them in a plastic bag. We greeted him and he did not know at first who we were. Maybe he still doesn't. We asked him why he was collecting the small plants and he gave us a blank stare for a few seconds.
"To make tea", was his reply.
After a long pause, "My brain needs help, it is getting old"
"What will this tea do for your brain?"
Another long pause and then, "It will help me remember."
"What is it that you need to remember?"
"To take the tea. Yes, the tea will help me to remember. If I cannot remember, then it is called ....... what do you call it....."
"Yes, and it helps with joints and my wife's cousin had terrible headaches and when he took the tea, they went away completely"
"Have a nice day and don't forget to make the tea, and then don't forget to drink it"
He looked at me like he was not quite sure what I was talking about.
At least that is the way I remember it.

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