Saturday, November 16, 2013


You would think it would get boring walking the same route several times a week. It can be, if one is not observant. The trail at Fish Trap has its moods, changing as the day progresses and as the seasons change.

For example, I noticed two days ago that the Buffleheads and Teals are back, ducks that winter here instead of in their natural summer hangout in northern Canada. I also noticed that the thick covering of Water Lily is subsiding as it dies and is washed away by the heavier rains of Fall.

This favourite thing of mine to photograph also has its moods as the reflections vary, as well as the light and surrounding foliage. Sometimes there is a human on the deck to give the structure scale.

The leaves are all gone now, as is any colour in the park. I still walk there and will all winter. It is quiet and peaceful, I meet and greet friendly people, and there is always something new and interesting to see, if you watch for it.

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