Friday, October 17, 2008

Autumn Path

I am running to and fro, too busy to do the thing I want to do. I see the leaves turning, more brilliant and deep with each passing day, and I know that soon they will be loosed from the branches to an ending of decay on the wet soil beneath. This happens every Autumn and rarely do I take the time to do the thing I want to do. The branches will soon be bare, the skies grey, the days too short and nothing but drab to describe my surroundings. And yet, there is still time to do the thing I want to do. When the foliage is piled deep and crisp on the trails, the dry cool air swirling it into drifts, I will think that I should have taken the time to do the thing I wanted to do. The window of opportunity is small and comes but once a year. I must take the time. I must make it a priority. I will not live with regret, waiting once more for next year.

1 comment:

Susan said...

I love your paragraph describing the autumn leaves falling.... tis is my favorite time of the year. I surely hope you will find the time to fulfill your wish.