Wednesday, October 1, 2008

My Rooster Sketch

I sharpened my pencil the other day and tried my hand at sketching. The results were so incredibly amateurish and child-like that I resorted to doing it on Photo Shop. Now that's better.
Tonight is the first leadership debate, however, it is in French. I have opted to watch the hockey game instead and will read the results of the debate later tonight. Watching a debate with sub-titles is not a good way to catch the subtle nuances of speech and how they coordinate with body language. I will have to trust the pundits as to who won the first round.
My new grandson came to dinner last night and brought the rest of the family with him. It was his first meal with us, but he refused to eat at the table. In fact he slept right through my dialogue about how honoured we were to have him with us. When all the food was cleared and the dishes put away, he decided it was time for him to eat. But no BBQ salmon for him, no siree! He was only interested in the old tried and true, that which only mom can provide. What a contented and satisfied look on his face when he was done! I must say that the bonding is progressing quite well.

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