Monday, October 13, 2008

A Milestone

On November 23 of last year, I finally decided to start up my own blog. I had no idea what to expect but simply had a desire to share some of my photos and stories with whoever wanted to spend the time to view them. It was suggested to me by other bloggers that I attach a 'counter' to determine if I was getting any 'hits'. How else would I know if anybody at all was taking a look? My first counter included my own hits and that was not really a good indicator. My second and better counter gave me lots of information as well as the count and it has been interesting to view the source of my readers (country) and the duration of the visits, as well as which posts have been the most popular. It has become an interesting hobby.

After the first month, I thought a reasonable goal would be 2000 hits for my first year of blogging. Today, after less than eleven months, I have hit a milestone of 5000 hits. I am surprised and delighted.

Thank you to all my readers as well as those who just happen to stumble upon my offerings. I especially appreciate any and all comments. It has been and continues to be a lot of fun for a boring old guy like me.


Rachel said...

Do I get any sort of prize for introducing you to the world of blogging?!??!!?

Terry said...

I will reward you with a promise to read your blog every day.