Sunday, October 5, 2008

Sand Head

I am not sure what this sand sculpture represents, but it is very well done. I should have taken note of the title which may have given me a clue. I am sure you can make your own interpretation.
I just returned from the Life chain and it was good to be there. Our little stretch of the road was very well attended with at least 200 people. I do not know what happened in the rest of the city. Grandparents were very well represented, which is understandable. There was very little obscenity displayed by passing motorists this year, which was refreshing. There was by far more enthusiastic support for what we were doing. The rain held off, the sun came out, the wind blew, and many prayers were lifted to God to change the hearts and minds of those in society who have bought into a lie. Maybe someday we will not need a life chain for the unborn, but I am thinking that a life chain may be needed for the elderly who will not have an advocate to save them from euthanasia. Sadly, it is a natural progression.

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