Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Pain is like a good pair of prescription glasses that are put on for the first time. Like the glasses, pain puts things in sharp focus. It can drive you to your knees or drive you to your senses. It can make you bitter or it can make you grateful. It can cause discouragement, or cause great resolve and determination. It has done all of these things for me over the years.
I have written about pain and injury before, as it related to my work. I am going through another episode right now. This is the injury of constant repetitious use, more commonly known as 'wear and tear'. Like an old carpet on the living room floor, I am worn out and ready to be replaced. At least, that is the way I feel right now.
I am a great one for researching the Internet and I have found the right name for my condition, but all the wonderful medical sites have the same attitude. Not one has stated, as a solution, to tackle the source of the pain or how to correct the condition that causes the pain. Every single one tells me how to manage the pain. Pain killers, anti-inflammatories, cortisone shots and on it goes. This does not make sense to me. So, I am spending a lot of money getting the original problem corrected and treating the pain with alternating cold and hot compresses. It is also costing me a lot of money because this week, I terminated a $10,000.00 contract that I was about to start. I do not have the physical capability to do it.
Oh, the joys of getting older! Interesting that the pain is not that far from where I keep my wallet. How appropriate.


On This Rock said...

I'm so sorry that you continue to have this is frustrating to have pain interfere with one's life and the directions that you want to go...hoping that you see some relief soon...

Susan said...

I, too, am sorry to hear of the pain you are experiencing and the backlash it is causing you. I understand the frustration when your health interferes with work. Take care of yourself and hope you feel better soon :)