Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Talking Heads

I took this photo at the Sand Castle competition last summer and at the time did not know what it represented. Many sculptures were open to interpretation and after review, I think I know what is going on. It was prescient. The two larger figures are ordinary citizens, tax payers if you like. The voices (talking heads) around them are the supposed experts telling them what has happened, what is happening, and what is going to happen to the economy. The scepticism and bewilderment apparent on the main characters are truly representative of where the average person is today, in term of their understanding of, and confidence in the experts. We have now entered the dangerous ground and I quote a financial report: "The money being spent on the economic bailouts now totals more than the New Deal... the entire Iraq war... the lifetime budget of NASA... the 1980s Savings & Loan crisis... and all the dollars spent on the Korean War - combined!"
In spite of this insane spending, the market continues to correct the mistakes of the past as it inevitably always does. The world economy, like the sculpture, is doomed to crumble and end up as a pile of rubble and dust. All us little ants will scurry around, each with his little grain of sand, trying to rebuild, but we will have to wait for the master sculptor to come and create a new masterpiece.

1 comment:

Susan said...

The sand sculpture is a vivid representation of where we are in the midst of economic woes right now. Furthermore, you are absolutely correct in making your point of government spending out of control and the collapse resulting from irresponsible behavior. It is only a matter of time.