Monday, February 23, 2009

Slipping into Madness

You recently lost your job, your house is going to be foreclosed on, your credit cards are maxed out, and you have $200.00 cash in your pocket, the last money to your name until the welfare cheques start or you find another job. We can solve this, says you, by going on a European vacation, and buying a new car when we get home. Let's celebrate by eating out tonight, you say, while sipping on a Star Bucks latte`. Insane? You are absolutely right, but, my friends, this is what our economists and politicians are pushing upon us to solve the woes of the world.
Those things that we would never consider spending money on during good, or even moderately tough times, now are getting a cheer as they are being seen as an economic stimulus. In Las Vegas there is $2 million on the table for ........ are you ready....... more neon lights. In Shreveport $6 million is going for a water slide park complete with 3 new water slides. Chula Vista Cal. voted down a dog run park in the last round of spending referendums because it was frivolous and unnecessary, but now it is going ahead. Not to be out done by the USA, Canada has announced that a new cafeteria will be built (renovated) in the parliament buildings in Ottawa. The cost? $26 million.
A depression (and that is what is officially going on now) is when the economy calls in debt. The only cure for a depression is a depression. We should be sucking it up, saving, try our best to not accumulate any more debt (because it is what got us here in the first place) and just ride it out. It will be brutal but brief. But, no. We are in madness mode and it will get even sillier as the days go by. The money printing presses are rolling as we speak because the official goal now of the US treasury is 3% inflation. Those pesky consumer prices just keep on dropping, but the printing presses will solve that. This is getting good!!


Susan said...

Yes, it is insanity at its best form! Like a deadly virus, the madness is so widespread and getting worse by the day. Too bad there isn't a vaccine for it. I agree that we should ride it out... instead of slipping father into debt. But obviously they care little about public opinion.

Susan said...

LOL at your dreams of only chocolate and falling :) Would it help to dream of falling into a big pool of delicious chocolate? yummy, LOL.