Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Needles and Pins

There I was, lying on my left side and becoming very anxious to change positions. The distant droning of the air conditioning almost drowned out the voices in the room next to mine. I thought I might doze off, but the pain was building and spreading down my leg. I shifted my weight just enough to ease the tension in my hip, but it soon returned. My head was full of information I had just been given about my condition, but I was having a difficult time processing it as I tried to block out the discomfort. At least the temperature was bearable, except for where the infrared heat lamp was pointed. I had some time ago overcome my fear of detection as I did not care anymore. My butt was exposed and pointed toward the door which would open and close as my torturer would come and go. My only consolation was that my cubicle was at the end of the hall where there was less traffic, but I did see a woman, out of the corner of my eye, peek in one time. Oh well, what is done is done. Now the niggling itch was starting but I dare not scratch for fear of disturbing the flow of yin and yang. Who knows what diabolical things might happen if I did that? I yearned to turn onto my back but after looking down at the pincushion/porcupine array of needles sticking out of my hip, I dared not. At last, the needle guy came back to relieve me of my burdens and after slipping on my pants, I quickly exited to the reception area to be relieved of $72.00. I limped out of the clinic and headed home not quite knowing what to think. I guess I was hoping for a quick cure ... a miracle. Right now as I bask in the aroma of Chinese liniment, I am thinking, maybe imagining, that the pain is a little less than it has been for a while. Could my first acupuncture treatment really be having a positive effect only hours later? Stay tuned.


Gaye said...

It's certainly worth a try, and you'll require more than one treatment.

On This Rock said...

Oh my!...this sounds a little anxiety provoking to say the least...hopefully you will derive some good benefit..hope you are feeling a whole lot better soon because surely your golf clubs await you!