Thursday, June 4, 2009

Who Left the Heat On?

Another Tulip that hearkens back to cooler days only a few weeks ago.

Have I written before about how I cannot tolerate the heat? I thought so. Well, here goes again.
There is only one good thing about a hot day like we had today, and yesterday, and the day before, and....... yes, there have been a few of them and there are more coming. Yes, only one good thing, but I can't think of it now. See how my brain goes fuzzy in the heat? You can't escape it. In winter when it is cold you can do a lot of things to warm up, such as pile on more clothes, jump up and down, sit in front of a blazing fire or heat lamp, go to a warm place, or cuddle up to someone you like. But what do you do when it is 32C and you know tomorrow will be even hotter? If I were retired, I would go to the local mall and hang out there like all the other seniors who are pretending to shop but are really just getting out of their hot apartments. Or I would go to the swimming pool and hang out there. Or I would sit in my air conditioned house all day and read good books and blog. But I still work for a living and have to suffer through the day in the heat. I think that if there really was one good thing about a hot day, I would have thought of it by now.

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