Friday, July 17, 2009

Getting Closer

Just like these apples are getting closer to ripe, so am I getting closer to getting my Nikon pictures up and running. Last night I had my techie friend, Jim, in to see if we could fix the DVD player and get my Nikon software loaded. No luck there, after several attempts. It is dead, even though hardly ever used. We went to plan B and loaded the software onto his 'thumb drive', from his lap top, then plugged the thumb drive into my USB port and uploaded the software. Fortunately my computer recognised it, even though it was not off a disc. Then, because my card reader is not high tech enough to read the latest high speed memory cards, I plugged the camera straight into the computer and downloaded my first batch of 100 photos. I thought I had finally arrived at my destination.
I put all my photos through my Photo shop program because it allows me to crop, correct, and size the photos for putting on this blog. Wouldn't you know it, my Photo shop program which is only 2 years old, would not recognize the files from my camera! It is too new. It took several hours of frustration to find a plug-in online that we patched into the Photo shop that up-dates the list of cameras it recognizes. Without my son's help, I would not have gotten to first base.
Now, all that is left, is to learn how to adjust the RAW files. I am going to find time. I have to find time. I did not come this far to quit now.

1 comment:

Chrisp said...

Ooooo, brother. I know what that feels like...on a less intricate level. I needed Andrew to help me too when he was here but we were too busy sliding into the pool on a big sheet of plastic. Much more fun.
