Thursday, July 16, 2009

Shingles (continued)

Oh dear, the blog site glitched. It did not save and upload my complete post.
So, here is the advice I gave to the poor victim of shingles, who, by the way, reported to me today that she is doing better than ever.
As I was saying, shingles results from a latent herpes Chicken Pox virus that lies dormant in the body, waiting to strike when the body is run down or the immune system is somehow compromised, either from stress, poor diet, or lack of proper rest.
The recipe: Take high quality Vitamin B complex (the vitamin for a healthy nervous system) and Vitamin A (the vitamin that enhances your immune system).
Then stay away from foods with Arganine such as chocolate, red meat, and coffee.
Eat foods rich in Lysine, such as white chicken meat and corn.
It is that simple and it will help keep your shingles on the roof where they belong.

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