Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Today a total ban on watering grass took effect. It is not because of the heat causing a shortage of water, but because the infrastructure, the water delivery system in our city, is inadequate. It cannot supply sufficient water at peak demand times and that is a risk because of the imminent threat of fire. Yes, fire is always imminent so we must have more than enough water. This cool fountain is found behind our city hall and is a perfect place to splash and play on a hot day. No deep water here so mom's can watch their kids keep cool without any worries. However, there are signs posted in strategic areas around this fountain that say playing in the water is forbidden. Most ignore it. I am thinking it is liability issues. Junior might slip and fall and bruise his tender knee. Lawsuits would ensue and fines paid to Junior's mom would not be able to go into the kitty reserved for up-grading the water delivery system so we could have more fountains with signs that say "Playing in water Forbidden". Meanwhile we cook in the heat wave.


Anonymous said...

I placed my own ban on watering last week. Seems such a waste. Our grass is getting yellow but will return to green in fall. I pour out enough water on my garden. What about Lis's beautiful flowers, will they die? Are you allowed to water vegetables?

Anonymous said...

Now, now, the fountain restrictions re playing in the fountain are probably because of contamination. The water is recycled and does pass through a filter of sorts, but the water could still breed some nasty bacteria.

Gaye said...

Oops! That last entry was from me.

Anonymous said...

Yes, this is true if they don't monitor the water regularly. However that is still, as Terry said a liability issue. If someone gets sick from the water they have prtected themselves by posting a sign. I do the same thing beside my swimming pool. It says, "Keep out! Water not safe." That way it pretty well covers all the bases. Ha ha ha! You can believe that....or not.

On This Rock said...

What is surprising is that there are no kids in your picture playing in the water...hopefully you took off your shoes and traipsed through to cool off and perhaps consider a reverse contamination? Just kidding...

Terry said...

There are no kids in the fountain because I took that photo before the heat wave. I would walk over there now and check it out but it is too hot. And yes, there was a bit of foam on the water so it is probably not the cleanest, but it is set up perfectly for a splash park.