Sunday, July 5, 2009

More Taxes

Sunday is supposed to be a relaxing and restful day, but I could not keep quiet any longer. This has been bugging me for several days now and one of the purposes of a blog is to get things off one's chest. I am actually writing this on Saturday night so by tomorrow (Sunday) I will be calm and restful once again.
Did you notice it? The anniversary of our wonderful carbon tax on fossil fuels was on Canada Day. Also, the tax jumped 50%. Did you know that? Do you know what this tax is supposed to accomplish? Do think it is a wise tax? (Wow, is that an oxymoron or what?)
Here is the deal. The whole idea of a carbon tax is to eliminate carbon and is based on a few premises, the first being that carbon is harmful. The second premise is that because we cannot afford to buy the gasoline and heating fuel, we will stop doing so.
I will start with the last one first. We will always need fuel, at least until there is a readily available and viable alternative to power our need to transport and be transported. As for heating, we will always need to be warm. It is called survival.
The first premise is faulty on several fronts. The theory is that carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas and we as humans are producing too much of it. Carbon dioxide is actually a necessary and natural component of the atmosphere and is not harmful. But this is again based on a premise, and that is, that man is causing climate change by pumping too much carbon into the atmosphere. The body of science that is disagreeing with this theory is growing. It is still an on going debate, and yet we are being taxed to save the world.
Our government's own data says that the carbon tax will result in a reduction of .oo27% of greenhouse gases. Now that is what I call a poor bang for the buck, especially when it is not even certain that it is the carbon that is causing climate change.
The best defense of this tax this week was that the pine beetle devastation needs to be stopped. That statement assumes that the pine beetle is thriving because we are driving our cars. This is ridiculous.
I was listening to a national talk radio program this morning and it was on the topic of global warming and what is causing it, if indeed it is a reality. The host of the program has not heard from one single scientist on the anthropogenic side that has come forward to debate with the many scientists he has had on his program who refute man-made climate change. I think it is because they do not have a leg to stand on.
But keep on taxing us and soon our gas pumps will look like the one in the above photo, sitting derelict and rusting, while we walk in the heat and wait for the sunspots to return so our climate goes back to normal, if indeed what we are experiencing is not normal. I think it is.

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