Sunday, July 19, 2009

Removing Clutter

I normally find time to blog, or I make time to blog. However, there are times when the clutter in my life prevents me from doing the things I enjoy the most. Right now my life seems to be full of clutter. Clutter produces stress and must be removed. The best way is to take care of each thing that needs doing, not putting it off, but getting it done and out of the way. Everyone has issues that need to be dealt with. If ever there is a time in your life when there are no pressing issues, enjoy it, because it will be short-lived. I have found that stress makes me very tired. I lack energy and this tempts me to procrastinate. I know that when the issue is resolved, there will be flood of energy, almost euphoric in nature, but knowing that, still does not motivate me to take the action that is necessary. I may be able to talk in specifics in a few months time, but right now I am just writing these things for self therapy.
The Sunflower photo is not the first photo I took with my Nikon, but the last. I found a cute garden themed frame in my Photshop Elements program and thought I would do two versions.

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