Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Defying the Odds

Aerodynamically speaking, the Bumble Bee is not supposed to be able to fly. I wonder if anyone ever told the bee that? Perhaps, if as a child, it was drilled into the bee that he was destined for a life of crawling, that is exactly what he would do, and he would not survive. After all, science says he cannot possibly fly, and science is .. well, scientific and to be believed.
We are all conditioned throughout our lives as to what we can and cannot do. Those that rise above this conditioning have either ignored it or have had some encouragement along the way that gave them the hope and the courage to achieve great things. There is no doubt that we rise, or fall, to the expectations of those around us. We all hear so many things about ourselves and our world on a daily basis, that we eventually believe it. Not all things are said in truth and it takes an effort to separate the truth from the lies, but the key to this is critical thinking.
Those of us in our church who are paying attention, are having our thinking turned around on several fronts with our sermon series on the book of James. There are some very simple but profound life changing truths in the book that are making us look at commonly held concepts in a very different light. I am feeling a bit like the Bumble Bee who heard he cannot fly so is not even going to try.


On This Rock said...

Oh my! I am curious as to what profound thoughts you have this week on the sermons...

Love your pictures.... I look forward to someday being able to take pictures such as this..

Chrisp said...

We went through the book of James in our church recently too. The first part of the first chapter has really been a help to me over and over again.
I love how the bee in your picture can fly with such a heavy load on. That is another sermon in itself.

Terry said...

I am thinking that we Christians may have preferred if James had held to his own advice about the tongue. What he speaks is powerfuly convicting stuff and had he edited his comments a bit, we might not have so much to be convicted about. Thanks to both of you for your comments.