Thursday, September 3, 2009

Escape From the Doctors

Nate's confidence was growing by the minute as he is warming up to doing some surf sailing next year. His balance was good and he was on that board for 4 days straight.
Toys 'R' Us do not sell these, but sour cream containers make the best toys for little boys. Liam would cup it over his mouth for sound effects, put a ball in ... take a ball out, rattle various other things in it, and place his soother in it and then tilt it up back into his mouth. He also loved hiding his other toys under it and then 'rediscovering' them and proud of himself doing it.

What a great little family. We could not get Nate out of the lake for this shot.

Dry land snorkeling, just the way Chad prefers it. Maybe next year his confidence in the water will match his older brother's.

There was always competition for this very relaxing hammock in the shade of the Russian Olive tree.
Another day, another Doctor appointment. Between the dentist, two different chiropractors, a massage therapist, an NST therapist (Neuro structural Integration Therapy) an acupuncturist, an upper cervical chiropractor, my GP, and today a plastic surgeon, I have had 42 days this year, since February, interrupted. Each time it took an average of two hours out of my work day. You do the math and tell me if my income is not down. And only the GP and the plastic guy are covered under the Medical Services Plan of BC. In the next three weeks I have seven more of these appointments.
I managed to escape for only a few days when we were away, but Tues, the second day back I was getting a consultation on having a mole removed from the bridge of my nose, right under my glasses. That is what the plastic surgeon does, and you thought I was having botox or a nose job or something. Do you think I am that vain? Actually, a face lift might look good on me. On second thought, I might end up looking like MJ.

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