Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Back to Reality

Keith (son-in-law) and Liam (youngest grandson) just hangin' out in the hammock.
Andrew (son) and Nathan (oldest grandson) 'hangin' ten' from the surf sailers.

Four generations: Rachel, Oma, Liam, and Lis cooling their toes in the lake on a hot afternoon.

Here I am fiddling with my new camera whilst laying in the hammock and watching the weather vane on the roof.

The view out to the lake, from the hammock.
As you can see, I am back. Over the next little while I will post photos of our wonderful relaxing time at our beach retreat in the south Okanagan. My time was marred by lots of pain as there is not a comfortable chair or bed in the place and no level ground to walk on. I compensated by taking lots of photos, reading, and eating way more than I should have. And the fruit. Oh, the fruit. The grapes are the best they have ever been, the apricots were ripe and sweet on the tree, the peaches and nectarines were ripe, but just barely, and the beef steak tomatoes were amazing, especially with a bit of bacon, lettuce and mayo on toasted whole wheat bread. There, now I gone and drooled all over my keyboard. Trust me on this. The Americans cannot grow a tasty chicken but they make the best bacon I have ever eaten.
A big thanks to my son Andrew for offering to drive. I told him I would make it to Chilliwack, but well before there I fell out of the car and he had to drive the rest of the way. Before coming home, I drugged up and almost made it but just before Chilliwack, again, Lis had to take over. Andrew came home with his friend who came up on Friday night and provided us with some water sport on his SeaDoo. The weather was perfect and only on the last day did the smoke from the forest fires drift down and eventually obscure the hills on the far side of the lake. The smoke was evident all the way to Hope on the way home.
As always, there was a ton of catching up to do when I got back and some big frustrations at work, but maybe that tale will be for another day. There was also some excitement in our house while we were away, but, maybe that will be for another day too.


Chrisp said...

OK, you have us all on pins and needles for your net entry.

Rachel said...

Nice pix, Pa.
Sorry you were in pain...no complaining that I heard.