Saturday, September 26, 2009

Will I Fade?

Since I started blogging, almost two years ago, I have rarely missed posting at least once a day. I have never run out of photos, nor have I run out of ideas or things to say. I find that my inspiration comes easily when I am well rested and my life is firing on all eight cylinders. At other times it is a struggle. We have situations in our immediate family, as all families do, that are sapping me of mental energy and enthusiasm. Add to that a draining fatigue that has come over me as I live and work with constant pain only relieved by medication. The hope of seeing an end to it, finally, comes and goes. Any one of these circumstances by itself would be manageable, but when coming in a medley, the way they are, I wonder if I will take time off from blogging for a while. I very often will compose 5 or 6 posts in a row and then post date them, allowing me to take care of other things. Lately, I have been scrambling each day to come up with something, and have barely managed.
Blogging is a pleasure for me, a bit of a creative outlet, and a way for me to collect and organize my thoughts. You might say it is a way I have chosen to stave off the dull wits of old age that some are prone to. So, if I miss a day or two, here or there, it is not because I want to, or I am tired of doing it, or I have run dry, but because life throws us curves every so often and takes the zest out of living. To use a vehicular metaphor, I need an oil change, a tune-up, and a new set of tires, and then I will be more than ready to continue the journey. Right now, I feel I am in neutral and somebody is trying to shift me into reverse.


On This Rock said...

I completely understand this. When under this kind of stress, even what is pleasurable can become onerous in some kind of way. As you will have noticed on my blog, I have taken breaks and then "try again" but still have not been able to achieve a consistency this summer. Different challenges but same reason. However, it is YOUR blog and needs to be designed to work best for you. We have enjoyed your writing tremendously, and would continue to check back even if you took a sabbatical(s) take care of yourself.

Terry said...

Thank you, F&E, my faithful readers, for your encouraging comments.

Rachel said...

Comments? You only got ONE so it would be comment.
Unless that was tongue in cheek :)

Gaye said...

I am a faithful reader, too, and my day isn't complete without reading your entry. However, you're doing this for you, so take a break whenever you need to. I'll be anxiously awaiting "your return".

Terry said...

My faithful readers, F & E give me many encouraging comments so plural is appropriate. Also, I have some readers who respond to my posts via email as they do not want to have their comments published or they do want to deal with the little routine of punching in the convoluted letters etc, so, again, I used the plural because it was appropriate.