Friday, September 18, 2009

Odds and Ends

If someone suddenly told me I was woman, I would better understand what Caster Semenya is going through right now. She was the African athlete who excelled at running in the latest world track and field competitions. She seemed too good to be true so her gender was tested and it turns out she is a bit of both. Her and her parents are devastated as she was raised as a girl all her life. She is on suicide watch. I have met some people in my life who should have had one of those tests, but they were not athletes so it was not a priority.
How would you like to be mauled by a bear and then on the way to the hospital die in a car accident? It happened back east yesterday. It was her husband driving a bit recklessly after having pulled his wife from the Bear's jaws. It is difficult to imagine the man's emotional state after going through an experience like that.
Hockey season starts soon, my one and only reason for owning a TV. I think this year I will erect a Plexiglass barrier, similar to the one in the arena, to protect my investment from flying popcorn and slippers. I find watching the Canucks either very entertaining and fulfilling or extremely frustrating. There is no in between here.
I see the Swine Flu kits being sent to some of the remote native villages include body bags. Strange that they would find this offensive. It is called reality. Kind of funny though because it is like ordering an instruction manual for your newly acquired chain saw and the booklet comes with a prosthetic arm. It is all about expectations.
I need a weekend really badly and I hear that there is one around the corner. I hope to participate in it. I hope you do too.

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