Sunday, July 25, 2010

Prairie Scenes

Mid July is the time when the Canola crops are either beginning to bloom or are in full bloom. The rain everywhere this year makes everything lush and green, like I have never seen it in the prairie provinces before, but after a few hours of driving on the flat one's eye is attracted to more colour than green.
There are very few grain elevators of the old style left anywhere in Alberta or Saskatchewan. I took photos of the few that I saw. This one was actually a private one on a farmer's property and was not full size but you cannot tell in the photo.
There is plenty of water standing everywhere and ducks in almost every low lying area. The Canola fields remind me of the massive colour overload one experiences at tulip time in the fields of  La Connor.

A prairie sunset just outside of Saskatoon. The sun is reflecting off the water standing in the field from the downpour the night before. The crops in this area are devastated and there will be only crop insurance for the farmers this year.
Big sky country. Here you can see the dark sky in the west as another weather system moves toward the Saskatoon area.

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