Thursday, February 17, 2011

Do You Have This Disorder?

You are walking down a busy street, anxious to get to your destination, when someone is strolling in front of you and blocking your progress. You almost instantly get upset and even hostile, wanting to swat them up side the head and get them to walk faster, like you are doing. 
It is now a very common disorder, the cousin to 'road rage', and is commonly known as 'sidewalk rage'. But wait. This condition is now getting a lot of study and has taken on the respectability of having an official name and getting its own scientific studies. It is called "Intermittent Explosive Disorder". 
If you 'suffer' from this disorder, don't worry. You are not alone and it is OK to be this way because it is a 'disorder'. I guess like drinking too much alcohol and having the disease of alcoholism. 
Is it just me, or is this business of justifying bad behaviour getting just a bit silly. Polio was a disease, Smallpox is a disease, Schizophrenia is a disorder, Autism is a disorder, but being rude on the sidewalk a disorder? Give me a break. When are we going to stop legitimizing rudeness and lack of self-control with fancy names and studies? The heart of man is deceitful and wicked and if we are going to call it a disorder, let's call it by its real name. It is a 'sin disorder'. And we all have it.    


Anonymous said...

Finally...hope for my condition! The symptoms always begin in the crowded snack aisle in Costco and grow progressively worse at the check out line up. Even trail mix samples won't alleviate my impatience anymore, so I've started picking up chocolate to dispel my inner urge to bash the carts in my way - first it was chocolate covered almonds, then super-sized M&Ms, and now only 'melt in your mouth' chocolate truffles in the golden box, two bags per package, will numb my shopping cart rage. It's gotten to the point where I fear I may have also acquired Intermittent Chocolate there any hope for me?

-intermittently raging rellies

Terry said...

Science is studying your condition, with a government grant of course, and will soon come up with a name for it. 12 step program and support group therapy are right behind. Hang in there. I hope you payed for those chocolates or we can add Kleptomaniac to your list of disorders.

Jan said...

Thank you, Terry, for making me feel normal, and for making me laugh when there is not much to laugh about. If you hear of a murder in Sidcup please come and visit me in prison!

jan said...

I made myself laugh today, actually! I found out that I have been watering a plastic orchid since September!!

jan said...

Is there a name for that disorder except for being seriously stupid??!!

jan said...

Prison appeals to me at the moment. No bills. No cooking. Laundry done for me. And maybe some visitors. Or not. Wouldn't bother me either way. And some help with my disorder maybe