Friday, November 18, 2011

Questionable Fall Fruit

Fall harvest is done and gone, but in the forest there are still edible things growing. Or not. If even the birds do not eat those delicious look alike blueberries, maybe we should not either. On the other hand, if they are one of the 30 species of Elderberry, we could sample them without the resulting pain and stomach pumping that arises from ingesting the more poisonous berries. I am not one to experiment with things growing wild.
I have eaten wild mushrooms, but have made very certain they are of the edible variety. I think these were Shaggy Mane mushrooms in their early stage, and that would have made them quite delicious and safe, but there are several species and these did not look quite right on top. It may be the soil conditions, but again, I am not one to experiment. These may have been lovely on a burger, but may have been the last burger I ever ate.   

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