Thursday, May 13, 2010

Go Figure!

Before these customers lived in this house, I worked for them in another part of town. When I first met him, I thought he looked familiar and upon inquiry discovered that he had been a good friend of one of the first people I ever met when I first moved to this province. He had been a bit of a high school basketball star, together with my friend. Then the light bulb went on for me. I recalled hearing that he had spent some time in prison for fraud or embezzlement or something while working for a major utility company. I worked in two homes for this couple and got to know them well and discovered that they were fantastic people. They were friendly, personable, accommodating, and easy going. He had managed to get a well paying job as an accountant for a large local company and they were doing very well. I learned that even good people can make mistakes and we should never judge a person by his past. They loved wallpaper and I hung a lot of it in this house.

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